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About Allie

Follow @AllieSmithFigure


ACE Certified Personal Trainer.

ACE Fitness Nutrition Specialist.

ACE Weight Management Specialist.

Smart Fitness Certified Personal Trainer.

ISSA Certified Personal Trainer.

IKFF Level 1 Kettlebell Certified.

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Nationally Qualified Figure Competitor. 

ABFF Figure Pro. 

6 figure shows.

1 National show.

2 Overall Trophies. 8 Trophies all together.

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Hey, It's Allie from The Fitness Life!


I understand how hard it is to pick a trainer. That trainer will hear your story, your struggles, and your deepest insecurities. You need to feel comfortable with them. You need to know they understand and can help!  So I'm going to lay myself out there and tell you about me! 


I enjoy long hikes up table rock, running with my rottie, and watching movies... all true, but not really going to help you pick me as your trainer.


I grew up in Blackfoot, Idaho where I was a four year letterman in track-and-field and played volleyball. But that was more than 10 years ago in highschool. Since then, I've played co-ed flag football, indoor soccer, completed a 5k race, and competed in bodybuilding shows. You can say I've always been active and craved competition. While in high school there was always competition, but as an adult you get bored quick. You get stuck in the boring day-to-day tasks, and with boredom comes FOOD! And usually the unhealthy type.


Back in my young 20's I developed this theory in my head that if I ran 4 miles a day 5 days a week that I could eat all the delicious, unhealthy food I wanted and not get fat. And I was partially correct. I wasn't fat. You will never hear this


HUGE transformation


from me about me losing over 50 pounds. I honestly never had that much weight to lose because I was also so active. DON'T let that fool you, I did have fat to lose and a whole lot of knowledge to gain.


I went through two phases when it came to my body. Phase 1: heavy and eating junk. When I was my heaviest I weighed 155-160 pounds. Phase 2: Too skinny and not eating. I weighed 135 during this phase and in order to get that low I was running up to 6-7 miles a day and eating 2 meals a day. You can ask Logan, he knew me at this time and I looked sick!


Running and food is how I dealt with insecurities. I ran to escape and when running didn't work I ate. Then I would feel bad about eating and starve myself. Always this back and forth cycle of too much or not enough. Also known as the Yo Yo diet.


I had to change.


The day came when Gold's Gym in Blackfoot had their 12-week challenge (2012). I signed up to see what I was capable of. Logan didn't think I would really do it, because I was eating oreos for breakfast, fast food for dinner, and running too much. But if you ever want me to do something, just tell me you don't think I can. I'll prove you wrong! I started to track my food, laid off the oreos, and started to eat more whole food. I started lifting with Logan, and cut back my running. I kept running because it was still my way to escape the daily stresses! Running and working out can be one of the best ways to handle stress! 


After all of that, here's the crazy thing, I currently weigh 158, about the same as when I was at my worst! But 138 pounds of that is muscle now! I don't run more than 2 miles and even then it's rare. I lift... a lot... because I like to and it makes me happy.


If you take one thing from my story, take this one lesson. Fitness is 90% mental and 10% physical, you need to dig deep and find what motivates you and what will help you change. You have been doing it one way for a very long time, and it will not change quickly. But when all it's all done, you have to ask yourself. "Is this something I can sustain for the rest of my life. Am I happy? Does this make me feel good?" If any of those answers are no, something needs to change.  The Fitness Life is about balance between fitness and life. 


I wanted to be skinny.

Then I wanted muscles.

Now I just want to be happy.


Fit For Adventure

We are independent trainers working inside Fit For Adventure, a 24 hour gym located on the corner of Cloverdale and Amity.

Crane Creek Country Club

Logan is an independent trainer working inside Crane Creek Country Club Fitness Facility, located off of Bogus Basic Rd. in 

Training Locations


We are personal trainers with the capability to write up a personalized workout & nutrition plans for you, no matter where you live! Check out our online training and our app!

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